During our lives there are times that we need extra support to get through tough times. By seeking the guidance and coaching of a licensed therapist you can receive incredible value from our training, experience and long history helping people overcome challenges and figuring out sustainable life strategies that work. We will take the time to listen to your thoughts and feelings about your issues and, through this, become a trusted confidant that can assist you in finding new solutions to long standing problems. We help you create a solution focused approach to the issues you face.
Teenage years are hard to cope with. These years are often challenging for the teens and their parents. It’s a transition stage and many teens and their parents feel the pressure of coping with this stage.
Counseling helps in dealing with situations and emotions that trouble you
Some of the problems teens face:
- Dealing with peer groups
- Coping with peer groups
- Mood swings and changes
- Changes in identity and interests
If your answer to any of these questions is YES, counseling could help you.
- Do you feel sad, frustrated or lonely?
- Do you feel angry, annoyed or out of control?
- Do you feel anxious worried or guilty?
- Are you experi
encing problems at home, school or in your neighborhood?
- Are you experiencing changes in your eating, thinking, or sleeping patterns?
- Are you experiencing negative feelings about life?
- Are you finding it difficult to talk about your feelings to someone or your parents or friends? Sudden loss or gain in weight?
- Sudden change in friends?Are there noticeable changes in school performance or attendance?
- Are you neglecting your personal hygiene?
- Have you been crying for long hours for no reason?
- Are you abusing Tobacco, drugs or alcohol?
Counsellor or therapist is trained to help people sort through their feelings an problems and help with them in everyday life. You can talk or discuss with your counselor in complete confidentiality. Help is just a click away.