A free online marriage counseling alternative is designed for you and your partner to do together to save your marriage. This program will give you both opportunities to receive objective feedback on your relationship and develop new ways to understand talk about and solve your marriage and relationship programs.
Majority of currently divorced cases on looking back wish and feel that they and their spouses had worked header to sort out the differences researches could find no evidence that divorce or separation made people happier that staying in an unhappy marriage.
If you have made plans to leave consulted on attorney or even filled for divorces one last attempt or shot at therapy might turn tables
There are some common problems in troubled marriage that impact the ability to manage conflict effectively:
- Minimizing or rejecting your partner’s feelings as negative valid.
- Allowing conflict to escalate.
- Seeing only negative.
- Refusing to engage in conflict by withdrawing or avoiding the discussion.
- Inability to compromise.
Common relationship problems that starve the marriage emotionally:
- Maintaining on exclusive focus on work, children, religious life, hobbies, etc.
- Placing personal priorities above or in opposition to, relationship priorities.
- Living separate lives, with little connection or overlap.
- Withholding affection and sexual connections.
- Few day to day interactions that is satisfying or meaningful.
- Cold or rejecting attitude.
Common relationship problems that result in power mismanagement:
- Valuing gender stereotypes that don’t fit the individual.
- Using attachments or your responsibilities to manipulate and control.
- Using money to manipulate or control.
- Badgering the other in an effort to restrict their movements or activities.
- In ability or unwillingness to handle differences or labeling them as defective.
- Acting superior and insulting a partner’s differences, extended family vulnerabilities, etc.
Some of the trouble areas are:
- Money management.
- Handling family traditions, holidays, special occasions.
- Disciplining children
- Household cleanliness
- Relating to parents and in-laws.
- Religious practice.
- Socializing friends.
- Extra marital affairs.
- Emotional betrayals
In troubled marriages conflicts occur not because we do not intend well, but because both partner’s have different emotional needs, It is important to appreciate each other’s needs and also understand the gaps which lead to in compatibility.
Counseling helps in understanding these different aspects and taking steps to deal with them.
Helps in developing:
Essential successful communication. The focus is on active listening assertive communication and other such skills. Partners are watched to communicate effectively even during an argument to prevent escalation of conflict. The basis gender difference of communicating with a man and women are also taught.
Partners are also coached in problem solving and conflict resolution strategies. These are coping skills to enable one to manage the situation better when one person is undergoing a negative emotion or has incompatible expectations. Introducing more objectively into the situation often relieves a good deal of stress.
We help partners envision the healthy relationship they want to be in. The key focus is the relationship but addressing self growth and self enhancement in each partner is inevitable as achieving comfort with oneself towards achieving harmony in relationship.